MLBPA Player-Agent Contract

A. In order to qualify to perform the services of a Player Agent, a person must be certified as a Player Agent pursuant to these Regulations. Further, to be eligible to serve as a Player Agent for a particular Player or Players, the Player Agent must be designated as such by the Player each year on the form supplied for such purpose to the Player Agent by the Association. If more than a year elapses without any written designation having been supplied to the Association, the Player Agent’s authority to continue to serve as such Player’s representative automatically will lapse.

B. In order to serve as a Player Agent for any Player, the Player Agent and Player must enter into a written contract in plain, understandable language which contract shall specify the services to be provided to the Player by the Player Agent and the fees to be charged therefore. No such contract shall be deemed executed unless the Player is provided with an executed copy. Within 30 days of execution, a copy of the contract shall be provided to the Association by the Player Agent. If English is not the Player’s principal language, the Player, at the time of execution, must be provided with an accurate, verbatim translation of the contract in the appropriate language, which translation must also be executed by the Player, with a copy provided to him. A copy shall also be provided to the Association by the Player Agent within 30 days of execution. Failure to provide such Player with an accurate, verbatim translation of the contract shall render any corresponding English-language contract unenforceable prior to such time as the translation is provided to the Player and signed by him.

C. Each Player-Player Agent contract in which the Player Agent’s execution of the contract is in the same of or on behalf of a company, partnership, corporation, or other business entity shall specifically provide that the company, partnership, corporation, or other business entity agrees that it will comply with the following provisions of these Regulations, including any amendments thereto: Section 3(A)(3) and (4) (fee reporting and audit); Section 3(B)(2) and (3) (monetary inducement); Section 3(B)(4) (false information); and Section 4(B) (D) – (G) (contract limitations; arbitration). In the event the Player Agent is not in fact authorized by the company, partnership, corporation, or other business entity to so agree, the contract shall include a rider executed by an authorized agent of the company, partnership, corporation, or other business entity which rider states such agreement. No Player-Player Agent contract shall be recognized or enforceable in the absence of compliance with this Section 4(C).

D. A Player-Player Agent contract shall have a maximum duration of one year, and shall not contain automatic renewal provisions.

E. No Player-Player Agent contract entered into before the Player becomes a member of the 40-man roster of a Major League Club shall be recognized or enforceable once the Player is on the roster of a Major League Club, unless thereafter re-executed by such Player in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations.

F. No Player Agent shall charge a Player any fee for negotiating that Player’s individual salary unless the salary negotiated exceeds the minimum salary for that year established by the Basic Agreement. Where the salary negotiated does exceed the applicable minimum salary, any fee charged may not, when subtracted from the salary negotiated, produce a net salary to the Player below or equal to the minimum salary. For purposes of this Section 4(F), bonuses included in a Player’s contract shall constitute salary only if earned by the Player. The fee restrictions set forth in this Section 4(F) shall not apply in circumstances where the Player involved was a professional free agent at the time that the Player Agent negotiated the Player’s contract.

G. All pending disputes between a Player and a Player Agent as to the existence, meaning, interpretation, or enforcement of an agreement or contract between them relating to the functions described in Section 1(A) of these Regulations, notwithstanding any contrary provisions in such agreement or contract, shall be resolved exclusively through final and binding arbitration pursuant to Section 5(A) of these Regulations. Every Player-Player Agent contract shall contain a provision which states that disputes between the Player and Player Agent as to the existence, meaning, interpretation or enforcement of the contract shall be resolved exclusively through final and binding arbitration pursuant to Section 5(A) of these Regulations.

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